2 advanced studio
url : www.2advanced.com
remarks : hi-tech and cyber execution
that never seen before.


dennis interactive
url : www.dennisinter.com
remarks : moving vector graphic with
elegant layout and rhythm.


url : www.k10k.net
remarks : designer's lunch box. exellent web and graphic design. daily updated !


mono* craft 3.0
url : www.yugop.com
remarks : the greatest original experimental website.


mtv 2
url : www.mtv2.co.uk
remarks : one of the most famous 3D vector graphic interface website. many websites are infected by it's unique style !


url : www.nasa20.com
remarks : creative user interface.
cyber, hi-tech and furturistic visual.
very cool !!!


url : www.now.com
remarks : the most beautiful and functional portal. simple, clear and user friendly.
the video motion images, animation and
CG are great, too !!!


url : www.praystation.com
remarks : Joshua Davis' work,
his philosophy and presentation skill are very impressive !!!


safe places
url : www.safeplaces.net
remarks : it creates a peaceful
and comfortable feeling in virtual space.
it's cute and funny !


url : www.xl5design.com
remarks : you'll get shock by visiting this personal site !!!
Brian Taylor is trying to make everything perfect !!!